Breaking Waves: Ocean News

09/13/2024 - 07:00
Trump promises to end electric vehicle mandate. Harris has been silent, risking swing state autoworkers’ critical votes As the critical swing state of Michigan hangs in the balance, experts warn that Democrats’ poor messaging over the shift to electric vehicles could lose them the state in November’s election. “I will end the electric vehicle mandate on day one, thereby saving the US auto industry from complete obliteration, which is happening right now,” Donald Trump told the Republican national convention in a speech this summer that would reach tens of millions of people. Continue reading...
09/13/2024 - 07:00
Researchers are finding heat-related illnesses can also contribute to heart disease and cognitive impairment At a dialysis center in Atlanta, Lauren Kasper tended to patients resting in hospital beds, some too sick to be transferred to a chair. Many arrived in wheelchairs or walked with canes, their bodies weakened from kidney disease. As she hooked them up to dialysis machines, Kasper, a nurse practitioner, was struck by how young many of her patients were. Continue reading...
09/13/2024 - 06:30
The image of huge, glorious landscapes, where wildlife runs free under the protection of the state, is far from reality England’s national parks overseen by ‘bloated’, mostly white male boards What do you think of when you think of a national park? Is it a wide area of glorious natural beauty, where wildlife runs free under the protection of the state? Or is it a wide area mostly farmed by private landowners, in which nature is faring worse than outside its boundaries, and largely off-limits to the public? In England, the reality is the latter, and this matters. The country is one of the most nature-depleted nations in the world, in the bottom 10% of nations for biodiversity. “Nature is in freefall in our national parks,” says Dr Rose O’Neill, the chief executive of the Campaign for National Parks (CNP). Continue reading...
09/13/2024 - 06:30
Exclusive: Campaigners call for overhaul as Guardian investigation shows nature rarely on agenda How national parks failed nature – and how to fix them The boards that oversee England’s national parks are bloated, dominated by men and are severely lacking in diversity, a Guardian analysis has found. The analysis also found that farmers outnumber conservation experts by two to one, nature is rarely on the agenda at board meetings and only one national park can account for the ownership of all the land it covers. Campaigners said a major overhaul of how national parks were governed was “fundamental” to the recovery of nature in the parks and to serving the public, for whom they were set up. Continue reading...
09/13/2024 - 06:00
Government’s communication called ‘unconscionable’ after one of largest spills of toxic ‘forever chemicals’ A former US navy base in Maine has caused among the largest accidental spills of toxic PFAS “forever chemicals” ever recorded in the nation, and public health advocates suspect state officials are attempting to cover up its scale by reporting misleading and incomplete data. Meanwhile, state and regional officials were slow to alert the public and are resisting calls to immediately test some private drinking water wells in the area despite its notoriously complex hydrology, which could potentially spread the contamination widely. Continue reading...
09/13/2024 - 05:00
Voters in Canada province will go to polls in October with climate policies and Indigenous rights at stake Canada’s westernmost province has been gripped by a chaotic provincial election campaign, rife with political backstabbing, abrupt resignations and unexpected allegiances. And as an unpopular premier squares off against a climate crisis skeptic, the October vote could have profound consequences for British Columbia, a province seen as the vanguard for progressive climate policy. Continue reading...
09/13/2024 - 04:36
Court rules against West Cumbria Mining’s fossil fuel development in Whitehaven The UK’s first new deep coalmine in 30 years will not be allowed to go ahead after a ruling in the high court. On Friday morning, Justice Holgate ruled that plans to build the facility in Whitehaven, Cumbria, would not proceed, in what campaigners called a “victory for the environment”. The headline and body text of this article were updated on 13 September 2024 to clarify that the Cumbria development would have been the UK’s first new deep coalmine, rather than its first new coalmine of any kind, in 30 years. Continue reading...
09/13/2024 - 04:36
The hazards of urban roads are familiar to many: from drivers itching to get in front, to corner cutters and e-bike dabblers More or less anyone who has ridden a bike, particularly in a town or city, has a mental list of the types of road users or situations you really need to look out for. The more you cycle, the longer and more entrenched this list becomes, to the extent that you can almost sense a familiar peril lurking a good minute or two’s pedalling distance away. Below are some examples from my list, the product of years cycling around several cities; London more than most. I’d say at least four are nonetheless fairly universal, at least to urban areas lacking proper cycling infrastructure. But there are others – do tell us yours below. Continue reading...
09/13/2024 - 03:43
The factoid about biodiversity and Indigenous peoples spread around the world, but scientists say bad data can undermine the very causes it claims to support The statistic seemed to crop up everywhere. Versions were cited at UN negotiations, on protest banners, in 186 peer-reviewed scientific papers – even by the film-maker James Cameron, while promoting his Avatar films. Exact wording varied, but the claim was this: that 80% of the world’s remaining biodiversity is protected by Indigenous peoples. When scientists investigated its origins, however, they found nothing. In September, the scientific journal Nature reported that the much-cited claim was “a baseless statistic”, not supported by any real data, and could jeopardise the very Indigenous-led conservation efforts it was cited in support of. Indigenous communities play “essential roles” in conserving biodiversity, the comment says, but the 80% claim is simply “wrong” and risks undermining their credibility. Continue reading...
09/13/2024 - 02:00
Nearly 5,000 primary school students took part in the Australian Conservation Foundation’s Wild at Art competition, which invites children to create an artwork depicting one of the country’s threatened native animals or plants ‘A symbol of our nation’: waratah among 20 more species added to Australia’s threatened wildlife list Get our weekend culture and lifestyle email Continue reading...